Friday, July 11, 2008

Rochelle here in South Carolina. I've been here since Tuesday enjoying the hot weather and thunderstorms. Tonight we went to dinner on Hilton Head Island and a really bad storm blew in. There were white caps in the harbor and everything. Sheets of tormulent rain. So awesome!! I was loving it. Then we went home and there's a storm here too. For those of you who enjoy thunderstorms, like me, here's a minute of one:

You can't see the sky very well from their house because they are surrounded by pine trees, but the gaps make it look kinda cool. Right now the storm is still going on. The house is even shaking with the thunder! Woohoo!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

xso i think im commenting right. you should make anonymous people allowed to comment. itd make it easier. lol also... i loved this video. i watched the whole thing.... or listened rather. with i could experience it. :( oh, and this blog thing is an uber cute idea. ;)
