Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tis the Season...

It's been a while since we've updated and I feel like a lot has happened.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving with my (Rochelle's) parents. Dad mostly cooked but Doug and I set the table. I took a picture so you could see how picture perfect it looked:

You know how usually someone gets up to take a picture of everyone, but then they themselves arne't in the picture? Well we put the camera in the china cabinet, but it came out a little dark. You get the gist though...
Doug and I had fun putting up the lights again this year. It took us almost 5 days because we started Sunday evening and ran out of light to finish and then were just too busy to finish them until Friday. Plus it doesn't help when some of the strand is broken and you have to check almost every bulb to find out which is the broken one. Or when a light tests fine, but when you actually put it on the house only half of it lights up. Oh the joys of Murphy's Law. We did get it finished though and I must say that it looks fantastic.

We're in our last week of school now. We finished two of our finals today (Doug only had one), but we have three on Thursday and then we're done! Phew! This semester's gone by fast, but then again, a lot has happened in the last semester.
We did get a lot of decorating done on the inside of the house, I just haven't had a chance to get pictures taken yet. Cause the house really makes it feel like Christmas

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