Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer is here!

Okay okay it's been forever since we've done an update. And boy do we have so much to update everyone on! I guess we'll start with the most present stuff and then just fill in the last two months. So here's the main news:
1. I got a job at American Eagle in March and absolutely love my job
2. Doug got a job at Wood Ranch as a runner and the store opens on the 1st
3. We both got AA degrees and graduated from Santa Barbara City College!

We were originally planning on walking in the graduation together. Uncle Keith and Aunt Barb flew in for the weekend to celebrate with us. But Doug got scheduled to work and could not get out of it because it was training week, so I didn't want to walk by myself. I figured that we'll have the 4 year college graduation in 2 more years. But we had an awesome barbecue with brats (Doug's request), corn on the cob, potato salad, chips, and beef ribs. It was so good. And then we had a berry tart from a really good nearby bakery. There's a picture of it below. We hung out a lot in between working.

My mom got two balloon bouquets for us

Happy graduates. No more city college! It's off to Cal Lutheran for both of us!

The family

Us with our berry tart

It was sooo good. It had a cookie crust and a thin layer (everyone thought it should have been thicker) of chocolate fudge

In other news, my poor civic had an accident. While driving Devonna and Reagan to the airport one weekend, in stop and go traffic, the car in front of us slammed on their brakes and unfortunately Doug didn't see them in time. Thankfully, and most importantly, nobody was hurt. Reagan was sleeping and was upset he was woken up, but everyone was fine. So we swapped information with the illegal immigrant without a license or insurance (sigh) and kept trekking to the airport. We were probably around 25 miles from the airport and right when we pulled up to the airport to drop them off and then my car started smoking. The engine overheated. We tried to just take it easy and drive home but we didn't make it five miles. My dad and Uncle Grant came out and fixed my car enough to get it home without overheating. Unfortunately it was then pronounced totaled. Such a bummer!!! This past weekend while Uncle Keith and Aunt Barb were in town we got a really good deal on a Jeep Patriot. So now I don't have to bum rides off of people, especially Doug. I am so happy with it! It's perfect.

Such a bummer

The new car!

A couple weeks ago Santa Barbara was on fire again. We were in class and the power went out so our next two classes were canceled. It was a nice break, but really sad for everyone who lost their homes in the fire. We did get some cool looking pictures though.

Another thing that we did was color eggs for Easter. No one in my family really likes hard boiled eggs enough to eat all of the ones that we wanted to color so we just colored raw eggs instead. It was a good idea!

And of course there needs to be a Reagan update. Devonna, Joe, and him were in town for a few weeks and we had a blast with him. I know there are a lot of pictures here, but trust me, there could be a lot more. These are some of the favorites of Doug and me. He's from 6-7 months in these photos.

My mom got Reagan watching Mary Poppins. He mostly likes Baby Einstein, but he loves the song "Feed the birds" and repeatedly will fall asleep if it is hummed to him or if he's watching that part of the movie

Now that he's active it's harder to feed him without a high chair. Here he was eating spinach and carrots and hit the spoon to his forehead.

He can now stand up if he is holding onto something. He's also on the verge of crawling.

He loves hitting the metal bowls with the wooden spoon. He also just likes chewing on the spoon

He also gets a lot of baths at our house. This is from his first bubble bath.

I'm not sure what I'm feeding him but he was easily distracted

He also got to go in the pool for the first time. This was when Mimi just put his feet onto the top step to let him stand when it was really hot out. He's also been in with us and likes it enough. I think he's still unsure.

Like I said, he loves baths. He really likes watching the bathtub fill up

This is right after Easter. We put him in the basket and he liked playing with the plastic grass

And of course since his daddy is a Harley Davidson fanatic we had to get pictures of Reagan on the bike. My dad picked up some Harley Davidson stickers and decorated a "helmet" for Reagan with a metal kitchen bowl and a hat underneath.

Reagan with his helmet

Reagan with his Great Uncle Grant
We've also been having some ducks stop by our pool in the morning. They seemed pretty confused once we put the cover on. They probably think it froze over or something. But they're so much fun to watch.

This is a video of Reagan in a sink bath. He's trying to figure out how to grab the stream of water

Reagan discovered the camera. And loves it! (Notice his teeth!)
Now that it's summer hopefully we'll be able to update more. That's the plan at least!


Anonymous said...

oh my word. firstly, the new car looks VERY nice. and i know how sad it is to get your car totaled, what with loosing my Stanley this past december, but really, if its going to happen, in this market it is definitely the time to find a new car cheap.

seriously rochelle, you need to quit it with the reagan photos. he is too adorable. my favorite is the one on the harley personally. lol!

oh, also congrats you two on your graduation! :)


spencer said...

These are great!

Really appreciate being able to SEE and read about your latest highlights!

Thanks for doing such a great job.

Looking forward to seeing more in person in a couple months!

Missing you---with love, Nana and Papa