Friday, June 24, 2011

Let the count down begin!

23 Days till we begin the biggest adventure of our lives! (Well, 2nd biggest because I think that getting married was the biggest)
Also 23 days till we say goodbye to our apartment. Except we will probably leave a couple days early because we'll move when our bed moves lol. It seems that there is so much to do yet we can't yet. Like most of our packing doesn't need to be done until the week that we move. I feel like if we pack up our DVDs now we're going to want to watch one of them.

I have boxes that I got from my work though. I've got a good head start on collecting those.

This morning Doug and I started the packing process. We cleaned our the items that we were storing in our closet. And what we had under our bed. We threw two bags of trash away and filled another with give-away items. (We ran out of packing tape so we stopped).

We also ordered some items for our trip. We were excited to find out that almost all of our electronics (camera charger, kindle charger, straightener, and computer) can run on higher voltage, so we just need an adapter and not a full converter. We ordered two on amazon for only $5 each. We also ordered one of those packing compartments to help me fit everything in my bag. Lastly we got some locks for our bags (TSA friendly of course). Two days ago I bought a Tide on-the-go pen for when we spill food on ourselves and don't have a laundromat.

I also canceled our renter's insurance policy for when we leave. We have a few other services that we'll need to contact to cancel our service.

I have the apartment to myself tonight as Doug is working. I think I'll get a lot of reading done :)

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