Thursday, February 20, 2014


1. Doug actually officially found out that I was pregnant first. I was nervous about taking a test and he encouraged me to do so (I was only barely a day late). I told him I would if he waited for the results with me. So I took the test and then let him back in the bathroom. I started searching for something under the sink and Doug asks, "So how will we know--oh". Haha I knew right away that it said positive and sure enough, I looked up and the test said "PREGNANT." It gave results right away! And we didn't have to decipher lines or plus signs. 

2. We thought for sure that we were having a girl. Ever since we were dating and discussing future children, we had always said that we wanted a boy first so that he can be that awesome, amazing older brother. But my intuition told me that I was having a girl. Also, the only gender myth that has any scientific credibility to it is that if the heartbeat is higher than 140, then it's a girl. It only applies after 9 weeks because that's when the gonads will develop for males and females and differentiate. When we had our ultrasound at 11 weeks the heartbeat was at 175. When we heard the heartbeat again at my doctor's office around 16 weeks the heartbeat was still at 175. So that was evidence that it was a girl. But lo and behold, it's a boy! His heartbeat is usually at 154, so it's still higher than 140. But Doug and I both have fast heartbeats so maybe that has something to do with it?

3. I have had a pretty easy pregnancy so far. I am sooo grateful for that. The first trimester I was a little nauseous, but I never threw up (although I tried to self medicate a lot with ginger ale and gingersnaps. There are still stuff that reminds me of the first trimester that will make me feel a little sick. Like the smell of the fabric softener that I was using then. Or gingersnaps, since I ate quite a few. Or Avicii's "Wake me up," since I was listening to it a lot when I was running. But I have no complaints. This just means that the next pregnancy will most likely kick my butt. Or he will be a difficult baby. I'd love if my body just enjoys being pregnant though :)

4. Baby boy moves the most when Doug and I are laying on the couch cuddling at the end of the day. We'll be watching a show and Doug's hand will be on my stomach, and baby is just having a dance party. My sister was out for the weekend and I kept trying to let her feel him move and kick, but he didn't want to cooperate. He only would sporadically and then become shy once someone else tried to feel. But he responds immediately to Doug's touch. 

5. I still don't like coffee :( I only have tried decaf since being pregnant, but the taste just isn't satisfying like it used to be. I was bummed I missed out on pumpkin spice lattes, peppermint mochas, and gingerbread lattes during the holidays. Also my favorite creamer, salted caramel mocha, was only a holiday edition, but I didn't even want it. Although they started carrying it year round, so yay! I'll still try a cup of decaf on cold mornings when I just want a hot drink. But meh. 

6. Pregnancy brain is such a crack up. It's so weird to be so scatterbrained. Doug says its weird for him too since I'm usually really on top of things. I think my worst pregnancy brain moment was when I picked up Doug's toothbrush and started brushing my teeth with it before realizing that it was not mine. Ew. 

7. They say that cats become more clingy to pregnant women, and it's been true when it comes to Luna. She's always been a cuddler and she's always spent the night next to us, but lately she's been ridiculous. When I'm on the couch reading or playing Candy Crush, she climbs right in my lap and just purrs and purrs. She's hugged my stomach and he'll kick at her and she'll purr back. I woke up on my back in the middle of the night the other night and she was laying across my stomach. We're hoping that she is ok with baby boy once he gets here.

8. We are at a loss for a name. We have been through books and have scoured the internet, but there hasn't been a name that really sticks out for us. There are a few that we like, but I'd like there to be a name where we go, "That's it!" We want it to be not that common, but not so rare that he will constantly have to repeat and correct people (no matter what the spelling he's always going to have to spell it because other people use weird spellings). I also want to meet him before solidifying the name. Which is why we're not really telling people our names yet, so that they don't get attached to one and then we change our minds. Plus we don't want everyone's opinion that could really ruin a name for us. 

9. Baby Boy has such a sweet tooth. I haven't had weird cravings. The only aversions I had was coffee. During the first trimester I didn't like yogurt anymore, but that has since changed and I eat it every day. During the end of the first trimester I wanted enchiladas for like a week. I made a enchilada casserole and that really satisfied me. But ever since then he really wants sweets. For a while he wanted chocolate milk every night before bed. So I'd make a glass of Ovaltine (which at least has vitamins and minerals in it). Then it was ice cream. Any. Kind. Now it's Strawberry Poptarts that he wantd. Toasted. I tried to be better about it by getting Trader Joe's organic version, but as per my earlier post, that didn't cut it. Plus, there's more fat in Trader Joe's and at least Kellogg's added vitamins and minerals to theirs (this does not make it a health snack though!). Throughout it all he's always wanted anything chocolate. 

10. Google has been such a good friend through all of this. I have my books too, but whenever something pops up, I can find the answer so quick. I don't know how people did it back in the day (you know, like 15 years ago when there wasn't such a large database of information haha). I'd like to think that doctors get a bit of a break now with small questions, but I have a feeling that isn't the case. People probably still bug them about things that they can easily look up themselves (but if someone doesn't trust the internet or is still unsure, then by all means, ask your trusted doctor!)

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