On October 6, 2008 at 11:53 pm Reagan Warner Wolfe Giardiello was born. I, Rochelle, am an aunt! My sister went into labor around 5:30 that evening and had him six hours later. It was a fast labor, but it wasn't an easy labor. Doug and I got the call from Reagan's daddy, Joe, around 8:30 that night saying that it was time and that they'd meet us at the hospital. We had been at our ballroom dance class and I had left my phone at home on accident, so I didn't get the message till 10:30. So we quickly got ready to go and headed for the hospital. When we got there and went to the labor/delivery area they said that Devonna hadn't come in yet. That worried us a bit, especially neither she nor Joe answered their phones (Not that I blame them, I mean, she was in labor!) She had decided a while ago that she wanted to labor at home and then during a transition drive to the hospital. The problem was that she never really transitioned. I guess her doula had been worried that first she would have him at home, and then in the car, and then in the parking lot. Doug and I, meanwhile, waited in the waiting room, watching ESPN since we couldn't change the channel. We waited for about an hour and then called Joe again to see where they were. When Joe picked up the phone and we asked where they were he said, "Yeah...he was just born." Devonna had him 8 minutes after she arrived at the hospital! Completely natural too! After a little bit we got to go in and see Devonna and baby. He's a snuggler. Devonna was super tired though so we didn't stay for too long. We visited her twice while she was in the hospital and then they went home. I went to visit them yesterday and took a few pictures. He's so cute. You can just stare at him for hours...
He changes position a lot in his sleep!
Hi Reagan!
Half a smile
More smiles
Aunt Rochelle!
He does stuff like this in his sleep all the time. So adorable!