The Caramel Apple Experiment
So Last week Chelle and I wanted to get in the Fall mood by making some Caramel apples. We tried using the old fashion cubed Caramel and the tiny ball sized Caramel on five apples each. We were afraid that the old fashion would be too hard or the tiny ball sized ones wouldn't work. So we tried both.
Rochelle Dipping an Apple
Stirring the Caramel
After! Bam. They looked great
A few days before that we made some awesome halloweeny treats. Its all about the pumpkin bread and cookies and the Coco Pebbles rice crispy treats.
Last Saturday Rochelle wasn't feeling well at all. At first look it either looked like a flu or just really bad dehydration. We ended up not eating any of the apples because I didn't want to enjoy the experience with out her. It wasn't till later on this week when she went to the Doc's because her symptoms hadn't gone down. Ends up she had a stomach virus which would last till at least the end of the week. Unfortunately we missed a wedding and a Hume Trip. But it was ok because we can see Hume again. Plus side-we did get to visit her Uncle Keith while he was in town. Pray that Chelle feels better soon and that she is able to keep up on the missed school work. As for plans for the wedding nothing new yet. We'll keep you posted as soon as something pops up.
God Bless and take care.
I've been praying for you, Rochelle!
And now, I reallllllly want a caramel apple.
testing... testing...
also, what are caramel balls? or w/e you called them?
they were just like caramel nuggets. Like chocolate chips but caramel. They were supposed to be a lot easier to melt I guess.
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