I never have.
And never plan to.
Most people know this about me.
But I usually get the same response.
"I've never met someone like you"
Hi, I'm Rochelle.
I feel like a lot of time people don't know how to respond to me. It has definitely made me an outsider in some circles. I don't get invited to events with people at work when they go to drink. I don't get invited to go out and party. So I don't get to create friendships with those people in the same way that they've befriended each other. I don't have stories about being so wasted or showing up to work with a hangover, or worse, still drunk.
I decided not to drink when I was 14. Something about it just repulsed me. But not in a judgmental way for people that do drink. I just didn't want anything to do with it. I'd seen the damage that it does when there's too much of it, and I swore to myself that I'd never be like that. I'd never put my kids through that. I don't know my limit, and I have no intention of finding out. Which is why I decided to never open that door. But to hammer boards over it instead. So I pierced my ear as a reminder for me. I think for years my mom thought I still just said that so I could get the piercing :)
Now that I'm 22, almost 23, people are shocked that I haven't had my first drink. Luckily, I have understanding friends, who are comfortable to drink in front of me (we even store their tequila for them at our apartment). I'm lucky that they don't heckle or pressure me. But it doesn't stop me from wanting to drink sometimes. There's just a grown up sophistication to it. Sipping champagne, critiquing the wine. It is a very social thing and sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on a part of social life. And truth is, I am. I've just decided that I'm okay with it. I think if I gave in I'd regret it the next day. I know this because the times that I have thought about giving in, the next morning I am relieved that I didn't.
If I gave in I think I'd be one of the arrogant people that say, "Well addiction seems to be in my genes, but it won't happen to me." I could be right, I may not have a problem with addiction. But the consequences are much worse if I'm wrong.
I'm so lucky that I found a man that has the same mentality that I do. People would always ask me what I would do if my husband drank. It was never a deal breaker for me. I didn't look for someone who didn't drink. That wasn't on my list. I didn't even have a list. Yet God was lucky enough to give me a man that I know will never pressure me. That I will never feel like I'm missing a part of his life. If anything we get to be the awkward people on the outside, together. And I know that there's a reason that we have the same mentality and value when it comes to alcohol. It's one less fight, one less thing to come between us. It's one less thing that makes us irresponsible of our action and words, because as humans we already have enough irresponsibility as it is without having the excuse of a substance.
People don't get us, but I'm okay with that. I know how I feel, I know my conviction, and I let people live how they want to. I laugh with people at their stories. I don't care if you want to drink. Drink! Have one for me. Just don't drive, and don't blame the booze.
At least once I get pregnant, it's one less thing that I'll have to give up.
I like who I am. And I'm not going to change for society's expectations. Or anyone's expectations for that matter.
Hi, I'm Rochelle.
1 comment:
Hi Rochelle! I love you for who you are and have great respect and admiration for your living up to your convictions. I can identify with your feelings although I have not completely abstained but usually do. I'm "Nana" :)
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